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Melyanna's Journal


A small life update after my holidays

I am reading “GAZA Love and hate for Israel” by Gad Lerner, a Jewish Italian journalist.

I am enjoying various podcasts recently, and listening to “Hit me hard and soft” by Billie Eilish.

I got back last week from my holiday and my batteries are recharged.

Here are some things I would like to pick up:

  • Learn Esperanto.
  • Learn German (again).
  • Pick up Python again.
  • Run 10Ks regularly.
  • Donate blood.
  • Volunteer at a local charity.

My goals for 2024 are:

  • Document my life.
  • Open savings account.
  • Pension fund.
  • Run again.
  • Read every day.
  • Eat healthy.
  • Get my own car.
  • Drive.


I am back home and to my regular life. It's actually nice to return to my usual routine now that I spent some time traveling and away.

I feel refreshed enough that I can pick up my personal projects again too, like updating this nice little page I have here.

There are many pages and random bits of writing I made scattered all over various spaces on the web. I am exploring ways of streamlining them and also of updating them from the comfort of the terminal on my RasPi.



Off to Germany!

This year has been quite busy with work and travel, and I barely had time to pick this little corner of the internet up again.

I have felt tired a lot, mostly because of how tough 2023 was, and how little time I had to take a break as last year rolled directly into this one.

I will be spending the next three weeks touring Germany, and then hopefully return refreshed and rested, ready to get right into a good routine that doesn't mame me feel tired all the time, and that lets me have space for work, family, friends, my partner, and my personal projects.



Long time no seen!

I am taking a look back at 2023 so I can set my intentions and goals for this new year. As part of the exercise, I am re-reading all of my notes, journal entries and random scraps of writings I have collected in the past year, and WOW, I had forgotten I have been maintaning this journal since 2022.

Re-reading my enytries, I wish I had been more consistent with updating my journal in 2023. So much has happened that I have not documented. I am going to make it a goal for 2024 to be better at journaling and documenting my own life: it does help with introspection and growth.



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